Privacy: Records will be designed, used and stored so as to assure privacy. Legislative controls over records such as Data Protection Act will be adhered to and client’s explicit permission in writing will be sought before information is passed to any person other than those directly concerned with the care of the clients.
Dignity: Dignity is a matter of prime importance to the company and all staff would receive training in this area. Clients would be asked the name in which they prefer to be called or addressed and this name will be recorded on the client care plan and used by all staff.
Rights: The right of citizenship are safeguarded for all clients, work and respected accordingly.
Choice: Services are designed to be accessible and flexible, promoting ordinary lifestyles and based upon clients own choices, individual client choice is promoted within the limit imposed by service constraints
Confidentiality: All clients confidentiality is wherever possible maintained. On occasion it will be necessary for the benefit of client or others to share personal information with either other external professionals such as doctors, nurses, psychiatrists etc. or an Organisation where possible client, relative or next of kin would be consulted and their views taken into account.
Communication: Client have the right to be heard and to be fully informed on all aspects of their care, hence methods of communication are appropriate to the particular abilities and experience of each individual and are tailored to each particular set of circumstances, for example if an individual client suffers from blindness method of communication to be used effectively would be braille.
Quality Assurance
Agile Carers intends to be committed to ensuring that services continue to meet the client needs. Our Quality Assurance starts with recruitment of the best skilled carers possible and continues with systematic and ongoing monitoring of their performance. Delivering a consistent care high quality service is our priority and this could be achieved through the implementation of a three-stage action plan, which will mean obtaining care users feedback at 3 levels beginning with completion of a satisfaction survey, telephone satisfaction survey and face to face interviews with client, relatives or next of kin guaranteeing an in-depth strategy of obtaining clients views and opinions about care we provide.